Ludotics is a new concept created by KUETE Nza-Yazola’Mo which names a branch of electronics which makes use of artificial intelligence to generate and to drive educational games or knowledge tests. Ludodics is the artificial intelligence in the education’s service.
After obtaining his electronics engineer diploma at INA in 1979, KUETE Nza-Yazola’Mo got involved in a career which led him to work on different projects such as the metro automatic piloting system, the ANTIOPE interface for television, the display unit for RADAR signals, video systems for piloting and aiming into military aircrafts, remote surveillance systems for the security of nuclear power stations, electronic payment terminals and banker’s card, remote control system for the electrical power exchange and many others interesting projects.
KS LUDOTIQUE is the first outcome of an idea which originated in spring 1984 from the brains of KUETE Nza-Yazola’Mo and which is at the root of many products that he designed and developed throughout those 30 last years parallel with his official occupation of electronics research and development engineer prompted by his passion of intellectual and strategy-based games and using his knowledge of electronics and computer science. Those numerous products were designed to meet people needs as regards educational games, but not only because they also cover other fields such as education, communication and home automation, they are intended for a worldwide market but their realization requires significant financial means which are not yet available to date.
This web site is the exhibition window of KS LUDOTIQUE‘s creations on the world. The new game “MOTOKI” proposed in this website is a consequence of one of those creations.
The activity of KS LUDOTIQUE refers essentially to the designing of the intelligence and strategy games making use of artificial intelligence for their production, their driving and their selling through Internet or mobile network, through press, television or other media. Besides the games, KS LUDOTIQUE is also involved in the development of electronic products applied to other fields such as education, communication, home automation and security.
To finance the realization of its various creations as well as the implementation of their exploitation in different business, we need funds. As the traditional financing channels proved to be inaccessible, if not at the cost of unacceptable conditions, we decided to turn towards private investors to establish profitable associations for all. Based on artificial intelligence, our projects which are part of the digital field present a high profitability for a minimal risk.
If you are interested, please contact us at contact_ks@ksludotique.com or through our contact page.
We thank you in advance !